Help Agape Gifts raise $10,000 by their 10th anniversary in November! If you would like to have a show for your favorite charity, or know a charity in need of money, please visit our homeshow page and contact us! We can't wait to help you help us!


Company Profile

Laura Langlois and her husband John began this family business in 2003 as a tool to teach their children, Nicholas and Chloe the fundamentals of running a small business. Since then, they have also enjoyed the benefits of helping others through the generous sharing of its blessings.

One of the original meanings of the Greek word, agape, is "self-less love". Their company name, Agape Gifts, was chosen with the intention of encouraging this highest form or love to be shared with others.

For a brochure with a brief history of our company click here.


All prices are subject to change without notice

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